Hotdogs, Bratwurst, Patties, Sausage. We have it all for you this summer!

We raise certified organic chickens every summer.

Spreading it on our fields in the spring as fertilizer.

Some of our cattle here on the home farm.

Some of our organic fed hogs

Our Thanksgiving turkeys sold out for 2021. Check back in 2022 and get on the list early!

As organic farmers, we cannot use spray(pesticides) to kill the weeds so we cultivate each field numerous times a year. It takes longer, but well worth it to have organic grains to feed our animals.

In order to feed our cattle year round, we utilize our round baler during the summer. Bales are kept and then fed during the winter when the pasture is unusable. Grain is also supplemented during the winter for proper nutrition.

This is a picture of ground being tilled up and prepared for planting.

We are at the Crestline and Bucyrus Community Markets from May-October each year. We also added Mansfield's North End market in 2023 from June-September.

Continuing to grow each year!
Your stop for organic meat products in North Central Ohio
Call 9am-5pm to arrange a time for meat pick-up