Here comes Spring...and the Farmer's Markets!
First off, we would like to wish everyone a Happy Easter! We were blessed with such a wonderful day on Sunday... with plenty of family, food, and fun. Sunday definitely got us all in the mood for spring. The rains keep coming, the temperatures continue to rise, and the flowers are blooming. Spring also means time for the community farmer's markets. We are looking forward to once again participating in the Bucyrus markets on Saturdays, and the Crestline markets on Tuesdays. These will be start up in May so mark your calendars now. Additionally, we are planning a sample day at one of the markets this year. We also have week old chicks at our farm now. They will be available for purchase and pickup in late May so signups for these certified organic chickens will begin at the markets. Check back every Wednesday on our website for updates and information you don't want to miss!