Farmer's Markets Starting Soon!
Who else is excited for the beginning of the farmer's markets?? Hopefully some nice spring weather will come along too! This year we are again participating in the Crestline and Bucyrus farmer's markets. We will also be participating in a once a month market in Galion.
**The Crestline market is every Tuesday from 3-6 PM. The market is located at 202 N. Thoman St., (St. Rt. 61) Crestline, two blocks south of McDonald's.The market also features fresh produce crafts, baked goods, flowers, plants, noodles, dip mixes, sauces, jellies and jams, maple syrup, and much more.
**The Bucyrus market is every Saturday from 8:30 AM-noon in the Family, Farm & Home parking lot located at 2460 E Mansfield St, Bucyrus, OH 44820. There is also a nice selection of garden plants, vegetables, honey, crafts, and other goodies available at this market.
**The Galion market will be every third Friday in the downtown Galion square area. The market will be in the evenings but we will have more info to come.
**In other news, we are looking forward to providing a new and delicious line of products this year that are "Ready to Eat"! These include Smoked Pork Sausage Snack Sticks, Pork/Beef Smoked Summer Sausage, and Beef/Pork Old-Fashioned Thick Sliced Bologna. Be sure to try these out early this season and let us know what you think! ("Ready to Eat" products are smoked/fully cooked with no additional cooking/heating required). Since all of our products are frozen at time of purchase, you simply need to thaw/defrost and then enjoy!
**In other news, we have an abundance of pork and would like you to help us help you. Call today (419-683-3961) to purchase a whole or half hog and ask about any discounts available. This is certified organic freezer pork that is of the highest quality. The upfront cost is there, but then you will be enjoying all the pork cuts you desire as your freezer will be filled with delicious locally born and raised pork. Bacon, pork chops, hams, pork's safe to say that our customers thoroughly enjoy having all of these great products available in their freezers...whenever they want them!
**We plowed our first field today (4/29) and are anxious for the weather to continue to warm up and provide the conditions for continued growth. We look forward to this wonderful time of the year filled with new animal arrivals, plantings, farmer's markets, friendship and fellowship, and family gatherings as God's beautiful creation continues to thrive. We cannot wait to see you all at the markets and once again provide you with the highest quality, local organic meats! Thank you for your continued support of our family farm. God Bless!
-From all of us here at Paynter Family Organic Farm-