2021 is here! And So Are Some Changes!
2021 Updates for the farmer's market season and year.
Where has the time gone?
October 8th...It seems like just yesterday we were waiting for optimal weather to plant the fields and get the animals out for the...
"Oink Oink" Paynter's Pigs Update!
It has been awhile since we have posted about the pigs. We have had some breeding issues that have limited our pork supply so far....
Our Organic Fed Beef Now on Pasture
Early last week we were able to finally get our beef cattle out on pasture. The rain held us back a little, but the cows are now out and...
Keeping up with the times on Paynter Family Organic Farm
To keep up with recently changed laws and environmental policies, we had a manure storage barn built this past month. The barn will...